Genius IT Foundation is a non-governmental organization established and registered in Ghana with registration number CG050712019 to contribute in pioneering solutions to the dying need of Ghana for good and morally audacious leaders, entrepreneurs, and technology expertise capable of driving innovation, development, eradicating poverty, and maintaining peace in Ghana, Africa and contributing immensely to global technological developments. 

The organization is committed to making computer science, Technology, and Design a thing of great interest for young Ghanaians in schools and business.


The driving force of the organization running the Catch FUTECH Project is the fact that the world is advancing at a very fast pace through the use of Technology, powered by computers. Many more people turn to technology to communicate than they do with their fellow humans, and there are more challenges in our societies today that need to be solved using technology.

Ghana and Africa as a whole are heavily deprived of quick growth and heavily dependent on foreign technology due to their lack of creativity in creating new secured technologies that can solve complex local, regional, and global challenges.

This is why the Genius I.T Foundation, looking far into the future, finds a great opportunity and realizes the need to begin to invest in the next generation today, equipping them with the mind, the skill, and the technical know-how to generate solutions to problems that are existing and will surely emanate soon.

We believe as an organization that, learning to communicate with computers will become very easy if we know how to speak their language well and effectively and know how to instruct them to do what we desire.

This initiative is to better complement the effort of the government in implementing the STEM programs, providing good skills training that will best equip the Ghanaian child to become more useful to industry in solving simple and complex challenges and providing global solutions in the future.